Basic Fertility Workup
The basic fertility workup contains all routine investigations for that would be conducted on women planning pregnancy (see the section entitled ‘Investigations for Women Planning Pregnancy’ for more information on these tests), specifically:
Full blood count – FBC
Blood group & antibodies
Hepatitis B screening – HbsAg, anti-HBs, anti HBc
Hepatitis C screening – anti-HCV
Human Immunodeficiency Virus screening – HIV Ab and Ag
Syphillis serology – specific treponemal test, eg, EIA, TPPA or TPHA
Rubella antibody status – Rubella IgG
Varicella Zoster antibody status – Varicella IgG
Cervical screening test – CST (if this will fall due within the next six months)
Chlamydia & gonorrhoea screening (if at increased risk)
Vitamin D (it at increased risk of vitamin D deficiency)
Iron studies (if anaemic or at increased risk of anaemia)
B12 and folate (if at increased risk of deficiency)
2hr GTT or HbA1C + fasting BSL (if overweight or any other risk factors for diabetes)
Thalassaemia screening (if indicated, see ‘Investigations for Women Planning Pregnancy’ for more information)
Screening for genetic conditions (if a family history or requested by the couple, see ‘Investigations for Women Planning Pregnancy’ for more information)
In addition to the above routine tests, add on:
Anti-mullerian hormone – AMH (to check the woman’s ovarian reserve; this test is not covered by Medicare and will incur a fee, usually less than $100)
Day 3 follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), oestradiol and progesterone (if a patient is amenorrhoeic or does not have a regular menstrual cycle, these investigations may be conducted at any time)
Thyroid function tests – TSH, T3, T4
Thyroid antibody tests – anti-TPO, anti-thyroglobulin (add on if any abnormalities on thyroid function tests)
Pelvic Ultrasound with Antral Follicle Count plus HyCoSy (it would be preferable to have this conducted at a specialist Obstetrics & Gynaecology Ultrasound service, eg, Ultrasound Care rather than a general radiology firm)
Male investigations:
Full blood count – FBC
Hepatitis B screening – HbsAg, anti-HBs, anti HBc
Hepatitis C screening – anti-HCV
Human Immunodeficiency Virus screening – HIV Ab and Ag
Syphillis serology – specific treponemal test, eg, EIA, TPPA or TPHA
Semen analysis